
Photo Bergamot :: fragrance ingredients

Bergamot is a citrus fruit known for its vibrant and complex scent. It is one of the most commonly used note in the perfume industry. This fruit, noted for its fresh, sweet and subtly spicy nuances, is thought to have its origins in Asia, though it truly gained popularity after being transported to Europe by Italian merchants. The journey of bergamot from the exotic landscapes of Asia to the bustling markets of Europe mirrors the extensive and intricate trade networks of bygone times.

The fruit first gained popularity in the Italian town of Reggio Calabria, where it was first grown in the 17th century. The favorable soil and climate of the region provided perfect conditions for this fruit. As the cultivation spread throughout the region, it became a significant part of the local economy.

The fruits peel was highly sought after for its use in perfumes, cosmetics and traditional medicines. The people of Reggio Calabria took great pride in their bergamot orchards, carefully tending to the trees and harvesting the fruit at their peak.

Over time, news of Reggio Calabrias bergamot spread far and wide. The distinct aroma of the fruit became synonymous with the region, and its fragrance was considered a symbol of Italian tradition and craftsmanship.

Natural or Synthetic?
Bergamot is extensively used in its natural form in perfumery, extracted from the rind of the Citrus bergamia fruit. Its essential oil imparts a distinctive fresh, citrusy, and slightly floral aroma. Synthetic versions are also utilized, primarily to supplement the natural oil or to create consistent fragrance profiles in cases where the natural variation of the oil might affect the overall scent of a perfume.

Fragrance Families Bergamot Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Bergamot

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain bergamot