Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) is an organosulfur compound with a wide range of uses across different industries. In perfumery, its primary role is not as a direct fragrance ingredient but rather as a solvent or carrier due to its exceptional ability to dissolve a wide range of organic and inorganic compounds without altering their fragrance profile.
Primarily used as a solvent in the formulation of perfumes and skincare products. Its efficacy in dissolving various substances makes it valuable for extracting aromatic compounds and enhancing the performance of fragrance formulations.
IUPAC Name: methylsulfinylmethaneCAS Number: 67-68-5
Molecular Formula: C2H6OS
Molecular Weight: 78.14 g/mol
Boiling Point: 189.00 °C (372.20 °F)
Melting Point: 18.45 °C (65.21 °F)
Class: Sulfoxide
Use/s: Solvent, Enhancer
1: dimethyl sulfoxide 2: DMSO 3: Methyl sulfoxide 4: Methylsulfinylmethane 5: Dimethylsulfoxide 6: Dimethyl sulphoxide 7: Demasorb 8: Demsodrox
Chemist Says
Dimethyl sulfoxide appears as a clear liquid, essentially odorless. Closed cup flash point 192 °F. Vapors are heavier than air. Contact with the skin may cause stinging and burning and lead to an odor of garlic on the breath. An excellent solvent that can transport toxic solutes through the skin. High vapor concentrations may cause headache, dizziness, and sedation.
Scent: Sulfur, Garlic, Oysters, Cabbage
Scent profile
Scent profiles are inherently subjective and can significantly differ among individuals, and may also be influenced by the conditions at the time of evaluation. The information provided here is a synthesis of data from diverse sources, including books, cross-references, artificial intelligence analyses, and chemical research sites, aiming to present a comprehensive overview. We've distilled this information to highlight the most frequently observed scent profiles for each molecule or compound, offering a generalized perspective.
1: Slightly sulfurous odor