Black Fig

Photo Black Fig :: fragrance ingredients

Black Fig, renowned for its lush and robust aroma, is a popular ingredient in fragrance making. The scent of black fig is rich and complex, offering a blend of earthy, sweet, and woody notes. It provides a sophisticated depth to fragrances, particularly in gourmand and woody compositions. The use of black fig in perfumery is celebrated for its ability to add a luxurious and enveloping warmth, often evoking sensations of comfort and indulgence. This ingredient can be utilized both naturally and synthetically to achieve consistent aromatic profiles in fragrances.

Natural or Synthetic?
The aromatic components of Black Fig can be extracted naturally, but due to consistency and cost issues, synthetic versions are often employed in perfumery. Natural extraction methods may not always yield sufficient quantities for commercial fragrance production, making synthetics a practical alternative.

Fragrance Families Black Fig Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Black Fig

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain black fig