Black Locust

Photo Black Locust :: fragrance ingredients

Black Locust, botanically known as Robinia pseudoacacia, is not a commonly used ingredient in mainstream perfumery. When utilized, it offers a unique floral aroma, reminiscent of the sweet and intoxicating scent of its blossoms. The flowers of Black Locust are the primary source of fragrance, imparting a spring-like, fresh, and slightly sweet aroma.The history of Black Locust in perfumery is limited, with its use more prevalent in niche or artisanal fragrances. The extraction of the scent from the flowers is typically done through enfleurage or solvent extraction, capturing the delicate and ephemeral nature of the bloom's aroma.Due to its rarity in commercial perfumery, Black Locust is not commonly found in synthetic form. However, similar floral notes may be created synthetically to mimic or complement the natural fragrance of Black Locust in complex perfume compositions. The use of Black Locust, when it occurs, is generally in its natural form, contributing a distinct and natural floral quality to the fragrance.

Natural or Synthetic?
Black Locust, from Robinia pseudoacacia, is used in its natural form, with flowers being the primary source of fragrance. The sweet, floral scent is extracted through enfleurage or solvent extraction, capturing the unique fragrance profile which is difficult to replicate synthetically.

Fragrance Families Black Locust Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Black Locust

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