
Photo Boronia :: fragrance ingredients

Boronia, specifically Boronia megastigma, is a fragrant flowering plant native to Western Australia. It is highly valued in the perfume industry for its distinctive and rich aroma. The history of Boronia in perfumery dates back to the early 20th century when its unique fragrance profile was first discovered and utilized in commercial fragrances. Boronia's scent is characterized by a complex bouquet of floral, fruity, and green notes, with a hint of tea-like undertones. This multifaceted aroma makes it a prized ingredient for adding depth and sophistication to a fragrance composition. The flowers of the Boronia plant are the primary source of its fragrance, typically harvested and processed to extract their essential oils. In perfumery, Boronia adds a luxurious and exotic dimension. Its rare and opulent scent is often used in high-end and niche fragrances to impart a signature note that is both unique and memorable. The inclusion of Boronia in a perfume is a mark of craftsmanship and creativity, offering a scent that is both enigmatic and captivating.

Natural or Synthetic?
Boronia is primarily used in its natural form due to the unique and complex aroma of its flowers. The process of extracting oil from Boronia flowers, although labor-intensive and yielding low quantities, is preferred to retain the authentic and exquisite fragrance profile.

Fragrance Families Boronia Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Boronia

Note distribution of boronia across all fragrances

Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain boronia