Bourbon Vanilla

Photo Bourbon Vanilla :: fragrance ingredients

Bourbon Vanilla, specifically from the orchids of the Vanilla planifolia species, is a highly esteemed ingredient in the fragrance industry. Originating from the islands of the Indian Ocean, notably Madagascar and Réunion (formerly Île Bourbon), it is renowned for its rich and complex aroma. The history of Bourbon Vanilla in perfumery dates back centuries, with its warm, sweet, and creamy scent making it a staple in a wide range of fragrance compositions.

Natural or Synthetic?
Bourbon Vanilla is highly valued in its natural form, extracted from the pods of the Vanilla planifolia orchid. It's also replicated synthetically, often due to the high cost and limited availability of natural vanilla. Synthetic versions like vanillin are used to provide a similar warm, sweet, and creamy profile.

Fragrance Families Bourbon Vanilla Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Bourbon Vanilla

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain bourbon vanilla