Brazilian Rosewood

Photo Brazilian Rosewood :: fragrance ingredients

Brazilian Rosewood, known for its rich, warm, and sweet woody scent, has been a valued ingredient in the fragrance industry. Historically sourced from the Dalbergia nigra tree native to Brazil, it played a significant role in luxury perfumery. Due to its overharvesting, the use of true Brazilian Rosewood has become less common, with conservation efforts limiting its availability. The distinct scent of Brazilian Rosewood is traditionally extracted through steam distillation of the wood. This process captures the essence of the wood, characterized by its smooth, floral, and slightly spicy aroma. In modern perfumery, due to sustainability concerns, synthetic alternatives are often used. These synthetics aim to replicate the unique aroma of Brazilian Rosewood, providing a similar olfactory experience while preserving natural resources.

Natural or Synthetic?
Brazilian Rosewood is primarily used in a synthetic form in modern perfumery due to sustainability concerns and regulations on the harvesting of natural rosewood. Synthetic alternatives aim to replicate its warm, rich, and slightly spicy wood aroma.

Fragrance Families Brazilian Rosewood Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Brazilian Rosewood

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain brazilian rosewood