Broom Flower

Photo Broom Flower :: fragrance ingredients

Broom Flower, derived from the plant Genista or Cytisus, contributes a strong, sweet, and hay-like aroma to fragrances. It enhances perfumes with its rich and slightly peppery undertones. Historically, Broom has been used in traditional practices for its fragrance and medicinal properties. As a fragrance note, it evokes feelings of warmth and countryside nostalgia.

Natural or Synthetic?
Broom Flower is used in both its natural and synthetic forms in perfumery. Natural extraction through methods like solvent extraction provides authentic scents but can be costly. Synthetic alternatives offer consistency and cost-effectiveness.

Fragrance Families Broom Flower Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Broom Flower

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain broom flower