
Photo Buchu :: fragrance ingredients

Buchu is a fragrant plant native to South Africa, scientifically known as Agathosma betulina and Agathosma crenulata. It is renowned in the fragrance industry for its unique and captivating aroma. The scent of Buchu is characterized by its fresh, minty, and somewhat fruity qualities, often compared to blackcurrant. It has a complex aroma profile that includes herbaceous and slightly peppery undertones. Historically, Buchu has been used for its medicinal properties and has a long-standing tradition in South African culture. In modern perfumery, Buchu is valued for its distinctive and versatile scent. It is used in a variety of fragrance compositions to add freshness and a hint of fruitiness. The oil is typically extracted through steam distillation of the leaves.

Natural or Synthetic?
Buchu essential oil is extracted naturally from the leaves of the plant to capture its authentic fragrance. The process of steam distillation is used to preserve the integrity of its complex aroma. The natural form of Buchu oil is preferred in perfumery due to its unique scent profile, which is challenging to replicate synthetically.

Fragrance Families Buchu Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Buchu

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