Bulgarian Rose Absolute

Photo Bulgarian Rose Absolute :: fragrance ingredients

Bulgarian Rose Absolute is a highly esteemed ingredient in the world of perfumery, renowned for its rich, intense, and multifaceted fragrance. Derived from the petals of the Rosa Damascena, a type of rose grown predominantly in the Bulgarian Rose Valley, this absolute is celebrated for its unparalleled depth and complexity. The production of Bulgarian Rose Absolute is a labor-intensive process, requiring vast quantities of rose petals to yield a small amount of absolute. The method involves solvent extraction, which preserves the intricate nuances of the rose's fragrance. The resulting absolute is a concentrated, intensely aromatic oil that captures the essence of the rose with remarkable fidelity. In perfumery, Bulgarian Rose Absolute is revered for its unparalleled depth, opulence, and longevity. It adds a luxurious, romantic, and deeply floral character to fragrance compositions. The scent of Bulgarian Rose Absolute is often described as rich, warm, and intensely floral, with a subtle hint of honey and a deep, velvety, slightly spicy undertone.

Natural or Synthetic?
Bulgarian Rose Absolute is obtained through solvent extraction of Rosa Damascena petals. The rarity and the amount of raw material required make the absolute precious and highly valued. Its complex aroma cannot be replicated synthetically with the same depth.

Fragrance Families Bulgarian Rose Absolute Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Bulgarian Rose Absolute

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