Celery Seeds

Photo Celery Seeds :: fragrance ingredients

Celery Seeds, known for their distinctive spicy and earthy aroma, have been used in various cultural practices for their aromatic properties. In perfumery, they are valued for their unique scent profile that is both refreshing and slightly bitter, reminiscent of the fresh celery stalks. The use of Celery Seeds in fragrances dates back to ancient times when seeds and other natural elements were used to create aromatic oils and incense. Their inclusion in modern perfumery is relatively niche, but they offer an intriguing note in complex fragrance compositions. The scent of Celery Seeds is often associated with green, earthy, and slightly peppery nuances, making them a unique addition to a perfumer's palette. In contemporary fragrances, Celery Seeds are used to impart a sense of freshness and natural earthiness. Their ability to blend with other herbal and spicy notes makes them suitable for creating fragrances with a natural, green, and slightly pungent character. The uniqueness of their aroma adds depth and complexity, often used in small quantities to achieve a subtle yet noticeable impact.

Natural or Synthetic?
The specific use of Celery Seeds in perfumery, whether natural or synthetic, is not well-documented. The fragrance industry often keeps detailed composition information proprietary, and thus, it's challenging to ascertain the exact form in which Celery Seeds are used in commercial fragrances.

Fragrance Families Celery Seeds Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Celery Seeds

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain celery seeds