Cherry Blossom, often known as Sakura in Japan, is a highly esteemed floral note in perfumery, symbolizing the beauty and fleeting nature of life. The fragrance is delicate, sweet, and slightly airy, offering a spring-like freshness to any scent. It has been a significant cultural symbol in Japan, celebrated annually during the cherry blossom festivals. In perfumes, Cherry Blossom adds a soft, clean, and ethereal quality that is both romantic and rejuvenating. While the natural extraction of Cherry Blossom essence is rare due to the delicate nature of the blossoms, its representation in perfumery is often achieved through synthetic means to capture the light floral notes without overpowering.
Natural or Synthetic?
Cherry Blossom is typically recreated synthetically in perfumery due to the impracticality of extracting essential oils directly from the blossoms. The delicate nature of cherry blossoms makes it economically unfeasible and technically challenging to extract sufficient oil, requiring large quantities of blossoms. Synthetics allow for consistent quality and supply without the seasonal limitations of natural extraction.
Fragrance Families Cherry Blossom Most Commonly Found In
Show fragrances that contain Cherry Blossom as a note