Chili Pepper

Photo Chili Pepper :: fragrance ingredients

Chili Pepper, known scientifically as Capsicum annuum, has a unique presence in the world of fragrances. Originating from the Americas, its use dates back thousands of years, primarily for culinary purposes. In fragrances, Chili Pepper offers a distinctive, piquant aroma that adds depth and intensity to a scent profile.The processing of Chili Pepper for fragrance involves extracting the essential oils or compounds responsible for its aroma. In natural extraction, the oils are often distilled or pressed from the pepper itself. The use of Chili Pepper in fragrances is relatively niche, often employed to create a bold, invigorating effect. It complements other spicy or warm notes, enhancing the overall complexity of a fragrance.

Natural or Synthetic?
Chili Pepper is used both naturally and synthetically in perfumery. Natural extraction from Capsicum spp. captures the spicy essence, while synthetic versions replicate the fiery aroma for consistency and ease of use.

Fragrance Families Chili Pepper Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Chili Pepper

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain chili pepper