Chinese Cedar

Photo Chinese Cedar :: fragrance ingredients

Chinese Cedar, scientifically known as Cupressus funebris, is a type of cypress native to China. It is appreciated in perfumery for its distinctive woody scent, which is both subtle and rich. The aroma of Chinese Cedar is often described as being softer and sweeter compared to other cedar varieties, with hints of smokiness and a slightly resinous undertone. This makes it a versatile ingredient in fragrance compositions, lending depth and warmth without overwhelming other notes. Traditionally, Chinese Cedar has been used in various cultural practices in China, including woodworking and temple construction, due to its aromatic properties and durability. In perfumery, the essential oil is usually extracted from the wood of the tree through steam distillation. It's used in a wide range of fragrance types, from masculine to unisex scents, adding a classic woody element that is both grounding and comforting.

Natural or Synthetic?
The extraction of Chinese Cedar oil is done naturally to capture its authentic woody and subtly sweet aroma. The natural oil is preferred for its depth and complexity, which are difficult to replicate synthetically. Steam distillation of the wood is the most common method for obtaining Chinese Cedar oil, ensuring the preservation of its unique scent profile.

Fragrance Families Chinese Cedar Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Chinese Cedar

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain chinese cedar