Citrus Fruits

Photo Citrus Fruits :: fragrance ingredients

Citrus fruits have been a cornerstone in perfumery for centuries, celebrated for their fresh and uplifting scents. Originating from Southeast Asia, these fruits spread across the globe and became a symbol of freshness and cleanliness in the Western world. The essential oils of citrus fruits are typically extracted through cold pressing the rinds, capturing the zesty and tangy essence. These oils, including those from oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits, are frequently used as top notes in perfumes due to their light and volatile nature, creating an immediate and refreshing impact. In the realm of perfumery, citrus fruits are revered for their ability to evoke a sense of brightness and energy. They are commonly used in a wide range of fragrances, from eau de colognes to complex floral or oriental scents, adding a burst of freshness that is universally appealing. Their versatility makes them a favorite among perfumers, who often blend different citrus oils to achieve a unique and harmonious scent profile.

Natural or Synthetic?
Citrus fruits are used in both their natural and synthetic forms in perfumery. Natural citrus oils offer authentic freshness but are often limited in longevity and stability. Synthetic alternatives are used to enhance durability and to create variations of citrus scents that may not be achievable with natural oils alone.

Fragrance Families Citrus Fruits Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Citrus Fruits

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain citrus fruits