Compost Accord

Photo Compost Accord :: fragrance ingredients

Compost Accord in perfumery refers to a blend that captures the essence of earthy, rich, and organic materials breaking down in nature. This accord is crafted to evoke the deep, moist earthiness of compost, integrating notes of damp soil, decaying leaves, and a hint of sweetness from overripe fruits. It's a complex, unconventional fragrance component used to add an intriguing, natural depth to fragrances, often evoking a sense of renewal and the cycle of life.

Natural or Synthetic?
Compost Accord is a synthetic creation as it encapsulates multiple elements like soil and decaying organic matter, which are impossible to distill into a pure essential oil. This synthetic approach allows perfumers to use it without the limitations of seasonal variations and ensures consistency in the fragrance's profile.

Fragrance Families Compost Accord Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Compost Accord

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain compost accord