Coriander Leaf

Photo Coriander Leaf :: fragrance ingredients

Coriander Leaf, also known as Cilantro, is an aromatic herb used extensively in culinary applications across various cultures. In perfumery, its use is less common but highly valued for its distinct scent profile. Derived from the plant Coriandrum sativum, Coriander Leaf has a history that dates back to ancient civilizations, where it was used for its fragrant properties in cooking and traditional medicines. In fragrance compositions, Coriander Leaf adds a fresh, green, and slightly citrusy aroma with a hint of peppery spice. This unique scent brings a natural, leafy freshness to a fragrance, making it ideal for compositions that aim to capture the essence of nature and green landscapes. Its vibrant and slightly pungent characteristic distinguishes it from other green notes, adding depth and complexity to fresh and aromatic fragrances. The use of Coriander Leaf in perfumes represents a modern approach to incorporating herbal and natural elements in fragrance creation. It is particularly well-suited to fragrances that seek to evoke freshness, vitality, and the crispness of a herb garden. Its inclusion is often found in fragrances belonging to the Green, Herbal, and Fresh categories, where its vibrant and lively character can truly shine.

Natural or Synthetic?
Coriander Leaf is used both naturally and synthetically in perfumery. The natural oil is typically extracted through steam distillation of the leaves, capturing its fresh and green aroma. However, due to variability in natural crop and the need for consistency in perfumery, synthetic versions are also used. These synthetic compounds aim to replicate the distinct fresh and herbaceous scent of Coriander Leaf.

Fragrance Families Coriander Leaf Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Coriander Leaf

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain coriander leaf