Ebony Wood

Photo Ebony Wood :: fragrance ingredients

Ebony Wood, known for its dense, dark, and durable quality, is valued in perfumery for its rich and deep woody scent. It provides a luxurious and sophisticated aroma, often associated with elegance and refinement. The scent of ebony wood is warm, with hints of smokiness and a slight balsamic undertone, adding depth and intensity to fragrances. In fragrances, Ebony Wood is generally used in its natural form, but there may also be synthetic variants to replicate or accentuate its distinct woody aroma. It is commonly used in woody and oriental fragrance families, where it pairs well with other warm, spicy, and resinous notes.

Natural or Synthetic?
Ebony Wood fragrance can be natural, derived from the wood of the ebony tree, or synthetic, replicating its rich, deep, woody scent. Natural extraction is often limited due to the rarity and value of the wood.

Fragrance Families Ebony Wood Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Ebony Wood

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