Fig Tree

Photo Fig Tree :: fragrance ingredients

Fig Tree as a fragrance note captures the quintessence of the entire tree — the warmth of its sun-drenched wood, the freshness of its leaves, and the milky sap of its fruit. It provides a rich backdrop in perfumery, where it is used to impart a lush, green, slightly fruity aroma that deepens and enriches the fragrance profile. Fig Tree notes can bring a sense of longevity and persistence to a scent, lending an enveloping and comforting character that is both earthy and clean. These notes are particularly prevalent in compositions that aim to evoke a naturalistic, serene ambiance, often used to enhance the complexity of fresh and woody accords.

Natural or Synthetic?
The choice of using Fig Tree in both its natural and synthetic forms in perfumes allows for a more versatile use across various fragrance families. Natural extracts provide authenticity and depth, while synthetic versions ensure consistency and longevity of the scent. The exact methods of extraction vary, but typically involve solvent extraction of the figs or distillation of the leaves and wood to capture different facets of the tree’s aroma.

Fragrance Families Fig Tree Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Fig Tree

Note distribution of fig tree across all fragrances

Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain fig tree