Photo Fig :: fragrance ingredients

Fig in perfumery is cherished for its unique scent profile that combines aspects of green, fruity, and slightly woody aromas. The scent of fig is often associated with the freshness of the leaves and the ripeness of the fruit. Historically, fig has been a symbol of abundance and fertility in various cultures, and its inclusion in fragrances captures this essence. In perfumery, fig notes are usually created synthetically to capture the complex aroma of the entire fig tree, including leaves, fruit, and wood. This synthetic recreation allows perfumers to consistently replicate the distinctive, lush scent of fig, which is versatile and blends well with various other notes.

Natural or Synthetic?
Fig fragrance is derived from natural fig extract and synthetically replicated. Natural extraction involves the leaves and fruit, while synthetic versions replicate its unique sweet, green, and woody aroma.

Fragrance Families Fig Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Fig

Note distribution of fig across all fragrances

Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain fig