Fraser Fir

Photo Fraser Fir :: fragrance ingredients

Fraser Fir, known scientifically as Abies fraseri, originates from the Appalachian Mountains of the Southeastern United States and is primarily cherished for its predominant use as a Christmas tree. This species of fir is highly regarded not only for its pleasing aesthetic and symmetrical shape but also for its distinctive fragrance, which is characterized by a crisp, fresh pine scent with subtle balsamic nuances. In perfumery, Fraser Fir is esteemed for its vibrant and refreshing fragrance profile, which perfectly captures the essence of pine forests. This makes it a favored choice in crafting fragrances that aim to evoke the invigorating freshness of the outdoors and wintery landscapes. The oil extracted from Fraser Fir is typically obtained through steam distillation of the needles, which is the most effective method to capture its complex scent profile consisting of clean, woody, and earthy notes. This essential oil is utilized in various fragrance compositions, particularly in those belonging to the woody fragrance family. It is adept at blending with other fragrance notes, including woody, spicy, and citrus, to create a multi-dimensional olfactory experience. Its ability to impart a natural and crisp aroma makes it a valuable ingredient in both men’s and women’s fragrances, particularly those designed for colder seasons or for aromatic freshness in any composition.

Natural or Synthetic?
The essential oil of Fraser Fir is derived through steam distillation, a method chosen for its efficiency in preserving the integrity of the delicate aromatic compounds found in the needles.

Fragrance Families Fraser Fir Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Fraser Fir

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain fraser fir