Goji Berries

Photo Goji Berries :: fragrance ingredients

Goji Berries, known for their sweet and slightly tart aroma, are increasingly popular in perfumery for their unique fruity note. These berries add a juicy and vibrant character to fragrances, often evoking a sense of exotic freshness and vitality. In perfumery, the scent of goji berries is typically derived from natural sources. Their distinct aroma is used to enhance the fruity and gourmand aspects of a fragrance, often found in compositions that aim to create a playful and energetic vibe.

Natural or Synthetic?
Goji Berries, while having a distinct taste, do not have a significant natural fragrance that can be effectively extracted for use in perfumery. Their scent in perfumes is therefore synthetically created, using a blend of fruity and sweet aroma chemicals to simulate the essence of goji berries.

Fragrance Families Goji Berries Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Goji Berries

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain goji berries