Grapefruit, scientifically known as Citrus Paradisi, is one of the most commonly used essential oils in the top notes of many modern perfume formulations. It is also one of the major components of woody, aromatic and lighter summer fragrances. Although technically a member of the citrus family, grapefruit's invigorating yet elegant scent is both unique and diverse from others of its ilk. White grapefruit notes are bitter and sharp, while pink and red grapefruit tones are sugary and sensual. As a top note in many formulations, its character renders a fresh, crisp and juicy initiation to the notes that follow. Unlike other citrus fruits that have rich, colorful and ancient histories, grapefruit is a fairly new species that was first seen in Barbados and documented in 1750. A lover of nature, he was on a personal mission to discover the tree from the Garden of Eden. He was reminded of the biblical golden apple when he saw large grapefruit dangling from tree branches, and this fanciful notion helped to foster the popularity of the grapefruit and the belief that it was the “forbidden fruit” from the Garden of Eden. Grapefruit was brought to Florida in 1823 by business man, Count Odet Philippe, who was the first permanent, non-native settler in the state. To this day, Florida is the world's leading producer of grapefruit. At first, it was not popular due to its unusually thick skin. Floridians also found it to be too sour, and it was not widely planted. It was considered an exotic novelty fruit until the late 1920s when the burgeoning citrus industry was rapidly expanding. Grapefruit has been a household favorite in the United States since the 1940s.
Natural or Synthetic?
Grapefruit oil is naturally extracted from the peel of the fruit, primarily through cold pressing. This process captures its characteristic citrusy and fresh scent. However, synthetic versions, often involving compounds like nootkatone, are also used in perfumery to achieve a consistent grapefruit aroma, especially when natural oil availability is limited or cost-prohibitive.
Fragrance Families Grapefruit Most Commonly Found In
Show fragrances that contain Grapefruit as a note