Green Lily

Photo Green Lily :: fragrance ingredients

Green Lily is a fragrance note derived from the scent profile of the lily flower, particularly emphasizing the fresher, greener aspects of the plant. Unlike the more traditional, heavily floral lily scent, Green Lily captures the crispness of green leaves and the freshness of dew on lily petals. Historically, lilies have been a staple in perfumery due to their rich and intoxicating aroma, but the Green Lily variant focuses on bringing out the youthful and vivacious side of the flower, making it a popular choice in modern fragrances aimed at a fresh and clean scent profile. Green Lily is typically used to add a vibrant, spring-like freshness to fragrances, evoking a sense of renewal and nature’s awakening. Its use in perfumery can be traced back to the desire for lighter, less overwhelming floral scents that can appeal to a broader audience, including those who may find traditional floral notes too intense.

Natural or Synthetic?
Synthetic replication is common due to the complexity of capturing the subtle green nuances naturally, ensuring consistency and sustainability in fragrance formulations.

Fragrance Families Green Lily Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Green Lily

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain green lily