Green Tangerine

Photo Green Tangerine :: fragrance ingredients

Green Tangerine in perfumery is known for its bright, zesty, and slightly tart aroma. This scent captures the essence of tangerines at an earlier stage of ripeness, offering a fresher and less sweet profile compared to fully ripened tangerines. The use of green tangerine brings a lively and invigorating quality to fragrances, often used to enhance the top notes. The aroma of Green Tangerine is typically derived from natural sources, with the essential oils extracted from the peel. This process ensures the capture of its vibrant, citrusy scent. Green Tangerine is a popular choice in citrus and fruity fragrance families, where it adds a sparkling and refreshing character.

Natural or Synthetic?
Green Tangerine essential oil is extracted from the peel of unripe tangerines, typically through cold pressing, which captures its bright, zesty, and slightly tangy citrus scent. Synthetic versions are also developed to provide a consistent and cost-effective alternative to the natural oil, using compounds like limonene and citral to mimic the vibrant aroma of green tangerine.

Fragrance Families Green Tangerine Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Green Tangerine

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain green tangerine