
Photo Gunpowder :: fragrance ingredients

Gunpowder as a fragrance note captures the distinct scent characteristics of sulfur and charcoal, traditionally used in its manufacture. Synthesized to replicate the metallic, smoky, and mineral facets, gunpowder in perfumery is used to add bold, smoky, and earthy tones to fragrances. It evokes a sense of fire, smoke, and the outdoors, often used in adventurous, mysterious, or historically themed fragrances. Its incorporation aims at providing an unconventional olfactory experience with a profound character.

Natural or Synthetic?
The gunpowder scent is created synthetically in perfumery to safely and effectively mimic the complex aroma of sulfur and charcoal without using actual explosive materials.

Fragrance Families Gunpowder Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Gunpowder

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain gunpowder