Photo Ink :: fragrance ingredients

Ink in perfumery is often used as a conceptual note, evoking images of antiquity, literacy, and a deep, rich aroma. The scent of ink in fragrances can be complex, often blending woody, musky, and marine notes to create a scent reminiscent of old books, inkwells, and the oceanic qualities associated with squid or cuttlefish ink. This note is more about the evocation of atmosphere and emotion than the literal smell of ink, making it a unique addition to fragrant compositions that aim to tell a story or convey a mood of introspection and depth.

Natural or Synthetic?
The specifics of how ink is represented in perfumery, whether through natural derivatives or synthetic recreation, are not well-documented. Ink's use is more about the artistic portrayal of its essence through other aroma chemicals or natural extracts that mimic its rich and enveloping nature.

Fragrance Families Ink Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Ink

Note distribution of ink across all fragrances

Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain ink