Japanese Osmanthus

Photo Japanese Osmanthus :: fragrance ingredients

Japanese Osmanthus, also known as Osmanthus fragrans, is renowned for its delightful aroma that is rich, fruity, and reminiscent of apricots and peaches. This scent has been appreciated in Japan and across Asia for centuries, where the flowers have been used in teas and traditional ceremonies.
In perfumery, Japanese Osmanthus adds a unique, luxurious, and exotic touch to fragrances. It is especially prized for its rich and complex profile, which ranges from floral and sweet to leathery and woody notes. This multifaceted nature makes it a versatile ingredient in both modern and traditional perfumes.
The use of Japanese Osmanthus in fragrances is often linked to conveying a sense of elegance and sophistication. Its rich and deep aroma can create a compelling and memorable olfactory experience, making it a favorite among perfumers seeking to add a distinct and luxurious touch to their creations.

Natural or Synthetic?
Japanese Osmanthus is valued in perfumery for its natural fragrance. While extraction is challenging, the unique scent profile it offers makes it worth the effort. The natural oil is extracted through methods like solvent extraction, capturing its complex aroma.

Fragrance Families Japanese Osmanthus Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Japanese Osmanthus

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain japanese osmanthus