Jasmine Petals

Photo Jasmine Petals :: fragrance ingredients

Jasmine Petals, derived from the Jasmine plant, primarily Jasminum officinale or Jasminum grandiflorum, are renowned for their enchanting and intensely floral fragrance. The scent of Jasmine Petals is deeply floral, rich, and sweet with a slightly heady and exotic quality. This fragrance is often associated with romance and sensuality. Jasmine has been a valued ingredient in perfumery for centuries, with a history that spans cultures and continents. In fragrance compositions, Jasmine Petals are used to add depth, sophistication, and a strong floral character. The essential oil is typically extracted through enfleurage or solvent extraction, methods that preserve the delicate and complex aroma of the petals. Jasmine Petals are a staple in many floral and oriental perfumes, often serving as a heart or middle note in the fragrance pyramid.

Natural or Synthetic?
Natural Jasmine Petals are highly prized for their authentic and complex aroma but are also expensive to produce due to the labor-intensive extraction process. Synthetic versions are used to replicate the scent more cost-effectively. The essential oil from Jasmine Petals is extracted either through enfleurage or solvent extraction, both of which are meticulous processes that capture the intricate scent profile of the petals.

Fragrance Families Jasmine Petals Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Jasmine Petals

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain jasmine petals