Lapsang Souchong Tea

Photo Lapsang Souchong Tea :: fragrance ingredients

Lapsang Souchong Tea is distinguished by its rich, smoky aroma, derived from the leaves being smoke-dried over pinewood fires. Originating from the Wuyi region of China, this tea offers a robust and distinctive scent profile that is highly valued in perfumery for its depth and complexity. In fragrances, Lapsang Souchong contributes a smoky, woody character that evokes a sense of warmth and comfort, making it ideal for oriental and woody compositions. The unique scent is often used to impart a mysterious and intriguing element to fragrances, enhancing their appeal with its unusual and captivating notes.

Natural or Synthetic?
The distinct smoky aroma of Lapsang Souchong Tea is primarily achieved through natural processing methods, where tea leaves are smoked over pinewood. This natural extraction captures the essence of the aroma, though synthetic counterparts exist to mimic this complex scent more economically and consistently in perfumes.

Fragrance Families Lapsang Souchong Tea Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Lapsang Souchong Tea

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