Lavandin Absolute

Photo Lavandin Absolute :: fragrance ingredients

Lavandin Absolute is derived from Lavandin, a hybrid plant formed from the cross-breeding of true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and spike lavender (Lavandula latifolia). This hybridization results in a plant that is robust and more prolific in oil production than its parents. The absolute is obtained through solvent extraction, a method that captures the deeper, more intense aromatic compounds of the Lavandin plant. Lavandin Absolute is known for its rich, herbaceous, and somewhat camphoraceous aroma, which is more pronounced and assertive than that of traditional lavender. Lavandin Absolute is valued in perfumery for its ability to add depth and intensity to fragrance compositions. It is commonly used in aromatic, fougere, and herbal fragrance families, offering a fuller and slightly more masculine profile than classic lavender. Its scent profile includes herbal, woody, and floral nuances with a distinct camphor edge, making it suitable for more robust and complex fragrance creations.

Natural or Synthetic?
Lavandin Absolute is obtained naturally through solvent extraction, which is essential to extract its full aromatic profile. The process ensures that the deeper, more resinous, and long-lasting notes of Lavandin are effectively captured, something not achievable through traditional steam distillation. The natural extraction method is preferred for Lavandin Absolute to maintain the authenticity and complexity of its aroma, which is highly valued in perfumery for its distinctive and intense characteristics.

Fragrance Families Lavandin Absolute Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Lavandin Absolute

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain lavandin absolute