Lavandin Grosso

Photo Lavandin Grosso :: fragrance ingredients

Lavandin Grosso is a type of Lavandin, a hybrid plant created from the cross-breeding of true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and spike lavender (Lavandula latifolia). Among the various types of Lavandin, Grosso is particularly notable for its high oil yield and robust aroma. The essential oil of Lavandin Grosso is obtained primarily through steam distillation. This oil is characterized by a strong, camphoraceous scent with woody and herbaceous undertones, distinguishing it from the softer fragrance of traditional lavender. In perfumery, Lavandin Grosso is appreciated for its intense and enduring aroma. It is often used in aromatic and fougere fragrances, providing depth and a vibrant herbal quality. Its robust scent makes it a popular choice in masculine fragrances and products where a potent and lasting lavender aroma is desired.

Natural or Synthetic?
The extraction of Lavandin Grosso's oil is feasible and economically viable due to the plant's high oil yield. The natural oil, extracted via steam distillation, is preferred for its authenticity and robust aromatic profile, which is integral to the desired fragrance characteristics.

Fragrance Families Lavandin Grosso Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Lavandin Grosso

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