Lemon Blossom

Photo Lemon Blossom :: fragrance ingredients

Lemon Blossom, known for its delicate and refreshing scent, has been a valued ingredient in perfumery for centuries. This fragrance component is derived from the blossoms of the lemon tree, scientifically known as Citrus limon. The use of Lemon Blossom in perfumes can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where it was prized for its light and uplifting aroma. In perfumery, Lemon Blossom is cherished for its sweet, floral, and slightly zesty scent, which brings a sense of brightness and clarity to fragrance compositions. Its subtle yet distinct fragrance profile allows it to blend harmoniously with various notes, enhancing the overall bouquet of the perfume. Lemon Blossom is not just admired for its scent; it also has a symbolic significance in various cultures, representing purity, love, and happiness.

Natural or Synthetic?
Lemon Blossom is predominantly used in its natural form due to its unique and delicate scent that is difficult to replicate synthetically. The process of extracting the fragrance from the blossoms involves careful handling to preserve the natural essence of the flower.

Fragrance Families Lemon Blossom Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Lemon Blossom

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain lemon blossom