Lemon Verbena

Photo Lemon Verbena :: fragrance ingredients

Lemon Verbena is known for its refreshing and sharp lemony scent in perfumery. Its use in fragrances dates back to the 17th century, primarily for its invigorating and clean aroma. The oil is extracted from the leaves of the Lemon Verbena plant. While most commonly used in its natural form, synthetic counterparts do exist to replicate its crisp lemon-like fragrance.

Natural or Synthetic?
Lemon Verbena is used both naturally and synthetically. Natural oil is extracted from the leaves, offering a lemony scent with floral notes. Synthetics like geraniol and nerol replicate this aroma, balancing cost and consistency.

Fragrance Families Lemon Verbena Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Lemon Verbena

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain lemon verbena