lotus flower

Photo lotus flower :: fragrance ingredients

The Lotus Flower, revered in various cultures, has made a significant impact in the world of fragrances. Known for its delicate and aquatic scent, it imparts a clean and slightly floral aroma to perfumes. Historically, the lotus flower has been associated with purity and beauty, a symbolism that translates into its use in fragrances. The extraction of lotus flower scent is typically done through solvent extraction or enfleurage, capturing its subtle and ethereal nature.

Natural or Synthetic?
Lotus Flower fragrance in perfumery is synthesized as no essential oil can be extracted from it. Synthetic lotus fragrances are created using a blend of chemical compounds that mimic the delicate, floral, and aquatic notes of the lotus flower. These synthetics provide a consistent and durable scent profile.

Fragrance Families lotus flower Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Lotus Flower

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain lotus flower