Mandarin Essence

Photo Mandarin Essence :: fragrance ingredients

Mandarin Essence, extracted from the peel of the mandarin orange, Citrus reticulata, is prized in the fragrance industry for its sweet, vibrant, and refreshing aroma. It is used to inject a burst of freshness and zesty sweetness into fragrance compositions, making it a favorite for creating lively and invigorating scents. Its natural citrusy profile is energizing and lends lightness to perfumes, suitable for spring and summer collections. It enhances top notes with a quick evaporation, giving an immediate fresh impression and harmonizes well with other citrus and floral notes, adding complexity to the scent profile.

Natural or Synthetic?
The cost of extraction and the complex nature of replicating its scent synthetically influence its use.

Fragrance Families Mandarin Essence Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Mandarin Essence

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain mandarin essence