
Photo Marshmallow :: fragrance ingredients

Marshmallow in perfumery is often used not as a direct extract but as a conceptual note to evoke a soft, sweet, and slightly powdery aroma, reminiscent of the candy itself. This note is commonly synthesized to mimic the gentle, sugary scent of marshmallows, adding a comforting, almost nostalgic sweetness to fragrances. It tends to impart a youthful, playful quality to scent compositions, often blending well with other gourmand notes like vanilla, chocolate, or fruity scents to enhance the overall perception of sweetness and warmth. Despite its synthetic nature, the essence of marshmallow is crafted to deliver a lasting impression that is both aromatic and romantic, frequently utilized in the gourmand and oriental fragrance families to provide a luscious, enveloping aroma.

Natural or Synthetic?
Marshmallow essence in perfumery is synthetic as the actual scent of marshmallows—primarily sugar and air—is not extractable in a form that can be used in fragrance. Synthetic versions are crafted to replicate the sweet, comforting aroma associated with marshmallows.

Fragrance Families Marshmallow Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Marshmallow

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain marshmallow