
Photo Meringue :: fragrance ingredients

Meringue in perfumery is a conceptual scent rather than a direct extraction from a natural source. This note is crafted to emulate the light, airy, and sweet characteristics of the dessert known as meringue, which is made from whipped egg whites and sugar. In fragrances, the meringue note is created synthetically to capture the essence of its delicate, sugary, and somewhat vanilla-like aroma. This fragrance note is used to add a gourmand quality to perfumes, providing a sweet, creamy layer that can soften and enrich deeper, more complex scents. The airy sweetness of meringue makes it a perfect complement to other dessert-like notes such as vanilla, chocolate, or fruits in gourmand perfumes. The creation of the meringue scent in a lab involves combining various synthetic compounds to replicate the light sweetness and the hint of baked quality that real meringue possesses.

Natural or Synthetic?
Meringue is synthesized in perfumery to ensure a consistent and stable sweet note that accurately mimics the dessert, as natural extraction from the actual dessert is not feasible.

Fragrance Families Meringue Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Meringue

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain meringue