
Photo Mignonette :: fragrance ingredients

Mignonette, also known as Reseda odorata, is a flowering plant known for its unique fragrance, which is often described as sweet and spicy with green and floral undertones. Its scent has a complex character, combining elements of sharpness and warmth, making it a versatile ingredient in fragrance compositions. The history of Mignonette in perfumery dates back centuries, with its aroma being prized for its distinctive and appealing nature. In perfumes, Mignonette adds depth and richness, often used to bring a floral yet spicy dimension to the fragrance. Its scent profile allows it to blend well with various other notes, creating a harmonious and well-rounded aroma. Mignonette is valued for its ability to add a natural, earthy, and somewhat exotic touch to fragrances.

Natural or Synthetic?
Mignonette is used both in its natural and synthetic forms in perfumery. While the natural oil of Mignonette can be extracted, it is often not economically feasible due to yield and cost. Therefore, synthetic alternatives are commonly used to replicate its scent. The natural extraction involves steam distillation of the flowers, capturing the essence of Mignonette. Synthetic versions are created through a combination of aroma chemicals to mimic the complex scent profile.

Fragrance Families Mignonette Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Mignonette

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain mignonette