Mirabelle Plum

Photo Mirabelle Plum :: fragrance ingredients

Mirabelle Plum, scientifically known as Prunus domestica subsp. syriaca, is a small, yellow variety of plum. It originates from the Lorraine region of France and is known for its sweet taste. In perfumery, Mirabelle Plum is utilized for its fruity aroma, which is characterized by a natural sweetness and a subtle tart note. It is often used to impart a fresh, bright quality to fragrance compositions. The process of capturing the essence of Mirabelle Plum for fragrance use involves methods that preserve the fruit's natural aromatic profile. The complexity of its scent makes it a valuable ingredient for creating nuanced and layered fragrance experiences.

Natural or Synthetic?
Mirabelle Plum is used in both natural and synthetic forms. Natural extraction captures the authentic scent, while synthetic versions offer consistency and broader availability. The exact extraction methods are sophisticated, aimed at preserving the fruit's aroma.

Fragrance Families Mirabelle Plum Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Mirabelle Plum

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