Neroli Absolute

Photo Neroli Absolute :: fragrance ingredients

Neroli Absolute, derived from the blossoms of the bitter orange tree, holds a revered place in perfumery. Its history dates back to ancient times, where it was prized for its enchanting fragrance and was often associated with luxury and exclusivity. In modern perfumery, Neroli Absolute is celebrated for its rich, floral, and slightly citrusy aroma. It brings a sense of sophistication and depth to fragrances, often serving as a heart note in many beloved compositions. Neroli Absolute's complexity is not just olfactory but also emotional, evoking feelings of calmness and upliftment. It's a versatile ingredient, blending well with various notes, from florals to woods, adding elegance and a natural, floral character to fragrances.

Natural or Synthetic?
Neroli Absolute is typically used in its natural form in perfumery due to its unique and irreplaceable aroma. The absolute is extracted through a meticulous process, ensuring the delicate fragrance of the flowers is captured.

Fragrance Families Neroli Absolute Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Neroli Absolute

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain neroli absolute