Olive Blossom

Photo Olive Blossom :: fragrance ingredients

Olive Blossom is a relatively rare but exquisite ingredient in perfumery. Its use is not as widespread as some other floral notes, but it is valued for its unique and subtle fragrance. Olive Blossom offers a light, fresh, and slightly green floral aroma, which is delicate yet distinctive. This scent is often associated with the Mediterranean region where olive trees are abundant. In perfumery, Olive Blossom is appreciated for its ability to impart a clean, fresh, and natural quality to fragrances. It is commonly used in compositions where a touch of floral lightness is desired, without overwhelming the other notes in the fragrance. Olive Blossom pairs well with citrus and woody notes, creating balanced and harmonious blends. The history of Olive Blossom in perfumery is not as documented as some other traditional ingredients. However, its association with the olive tree, a symbol of peace and vitality, adds a certain depth and narrative to the fragrances it is used in. Its understated elegance makes it a choice ingredient for sophisticated and nuanced perfume formulations.

Natural or Synthetic?
Olive Blossom is used in its natural form in perfumes. While not as common as other floral extracts, its oil can be extracted from the blossoms of the olive tree. The process involves careful harvesting and extraction techniques to preserve its delicate fragrance.

Fragrance Families Olive Blossom Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Olive Blossom

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain olive blossom