Panettone Tre Marie

Photo Panettone Tre Marie :: fragrance ingredients

Panettone Tre Marie, often just referred to as 'Panettone', is a conceptual fragrance note inspired by the traditional Italian Christmas bread known for its rich, sweet aroma. This note is used in perfumery to evoke feelings of warmth, festivity, and indulgence. It combines the scents of candied fruits, vanilla, and baked dough, contributing a gourmand quality to fragrances. The note is purely synthetic, as the complex scent profile of panettone is not directly extractable for use in perfumery. It is particularly effective in creating a nostalgic and inviting atmosphere within a scent composition, often paired with other sweet or spicy notes to enhance the festive character.

Natural or Synthetic?
The essence of Panettone Tre Marie is synthetically created as the actual scents of the baked good cannot be effectively extracted. Synthetic methods allow perfumers to accurately mimic the complex aroma of panettone, combining notes of vanilla, candied fruit, and baked dough into a cohesive fragrance component.

Fragrance Families Panettone Tre Marie Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Panettone Tre Marie

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