
Photo Paprika :: fragrance ingredients

Paprika, primarily known for its culinary use, is also used in fragrances to add a unique spicy and warm character. Unlike the sharp pungency of black pepper or the fiery nature of chili, paprika in perfumery contributes a subtle, rounded warmth. It imparts an earthy, rich quality to fragrance blends, often used to enhance the depth of woody or oriental fragrances. In the history of perfumery, paprika is not a traditional ingredient; its use is more modern, reflecting an experimental approach to creating novel and intriguing scent profiles.

Natural or Synthetic?
The usage of paprika in perfumes, particularly regarding its form – natural or synthetic – is not well documented. This lack of information makes it challenging to determine whether it's used in its essential oil form, as a synthetic recreation, or a combination of both.

Fragrance Families Paprika Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Paprika

Note distribution of paprika across all fragrances

Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain paprika