Parma Violet

Photo Parma Violet :: fragrance ingredients

Parma Violet, a distinct floral note in perfumery, is celebrated for its sweet and delicate fragrance, reminiscent of the scent of violet flowers. Historically, violets have been a symbol of luxury and sophistication in various cultures, often used in royal ceremonies and perfumery since ancient times. The fragrance of Parma Violet is particularly noted for its powdery and slightly woody undertones, which lend an air of elegance and subtlety to fragrances. It is commonly used to add a floral and slightly sweet nuance to perfumes, balancing stronger notes and creating a harmonious blend. The scent of Parma Violet is often associated with nostalgia and romanticism, evoking images of Victorian gardens and springtime freshness.

Natural or Synthetic?
Parma Violet in perfumery is primarily used in its synthetic form due to the challenges associated with extracting oil from violet flowers. The natural extraction of violet essence is exceedingly difficult and produces a very small yield, making it impractical and cost-prohibitive for large-scale use in perfumery. Synthetic versions, on the other hand, are created to replicate the delicate scent of Parma Violet and provide a more sustainable and accessible option for fragrance creation. These synthetic variants capture the quintessential powdery and floral essence of Parma Violet, making it a viable and popular choice for modern perfumery.

Fragrance Families Parma Violet Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Parma Violet

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