Pear Blossom

Photo Pear Blossom :: fragrance ingredients

Pear Blossom, scientifically known as Pyrus calleryana, is a fragrant blossom that has been used in perfumery for its delicate and floral scent. This blossom is associated with pear trees and is known for its role in the springtime when pear trees bloom. In fragrances, Pear Blossom adds a soft and floral note, often described as light and refreshing. It is used to create perfumes that capture the essence of blooming pear trees in spring. The extraction process typically involves obtaining essential oils or extracts from the blossoms to capture their aromatic qualities. Pear Blossom is commonly found in the Flora and Fresh fragrance families. It is used to add a touch of floral elegance and freshness to fragrances, making it a popular choice for spring and summer perfumes. This blossom's light and delicate aroma make it a valuable ingredient in perfumery, contributing to the creation of scents that evoke the beauty of nature in full bloom.

Natural or Synthetic?
Pear blossom essential oil is not commercially available due to the difficulty in extracting it from the blossom. The blossoms are delicate and have a low oil content, making extraction challenging and expensive, leading to reliance on synthetic scent creation. Synthetic versions aim to replicate the light, fresh, and floral scent of Pear Blossoms with a blend of various aroma chemicals. These synthetics are designed to evoke the delicate fragrance of Pear Blossoms, focusing on fresh and floral notes, and are a practical choice given the impracticality of natural extraction.

Fragrance Families Pear Blossom Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Pear Blossom

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain pear blossom