Pink Grapefruit

Photo Pink Grapefruit :: fragrance ingredients

Pink Grapefruit, known for its bright and zesty scent, is a popular ingredient in fragrance compositions. This citrus fruit brings a lively, tangy aroma that adds a burst of freshness to perfumes. Originating from subtropical regions, Pink Grapefruit is valued for its uplifting and invigorating scent. It often forms the top note in fragrances, introducing an initial, eye-catching scent to the composition. Its use in perfumery is appreciated for its ability to impart a clean, fresh, and slightly sweet aroma. Pink Grapefruit blends well with other citrus notes and can also complement floral and woody scents, adding a modern twist to traditional fragrances. The ingredient has a light, airy quality, making it ideal for creating summery and lively scents.

Natural or Synthetic?
The natural oil of Pink Grapefruit is obtained through cold pressing the peel of the fruit. This process involves mechanically pressing the peel to extract the oil, capturing the fresh and zesty aroma characteristic of pink grapefruit. The natural extraction process is straightforward, but it can be limited by seasonal and crop variations, leading to the use of synthetic alternatives for consistency and cost-effectiveness. Synthetically, the grapefruit scent can be mimicked using a combination of various compounds, typically including limonene, myrcene, and nootkatone. These compounds are chemically synthesized to produce a fragrance that resembles natural grapefruit, offering more control over the final scent profile and availability.

Fragrance Families Pink Grapefruit Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Pink Grapefruit

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain pink grapefruit