Pink Peony

Photo Pink Peony :: fragrance ingredients

Pink Peony, scientifically known as Paeonia, is a beloved flower in horticulture and perfumery alike, appreciated for its lush blooms and delightful fragrance. Historically, peonies have been celebrated in various cultures, especially in Eastern Asia, for their beauty and often symbolic meanings associated with wealth, honor, and love. In fragrance compositions, Pink Peony imparts a soft, romantic, and slightly sweet floral aroma. Its delicate scent is often described as airy and ethereal, making it a popular choice for perfumes aiming to capture the essence of spring and femininity. Pink Peony adds a touch of elegance and a hint of lushness to a fragrance, often blending seamlessly with other floral and fruity notes. The inclusion of Pink Peony in perfumes is indicative of a desire to convey sophistication and grace. Its fragrance is associated with freshness, youth, and a subtle luxury. Often found in the Floral fragrance family, Pink Peony contributes to creating fragrances that are light, uplifting, and beautifully harmonious.

Natural or Synthetic?
While Pink Peony can be used in its natural form, extracting its essence is challenging due to the delicate nature of the flowers. Thus, both natural extraction and synthetic replication are common. Synthetic versions are used to consistently replicate the subtle floral scent of Pink Peony.

Fragrance Families Pink Peony Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Pink Peony

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