Plum Blossom

Photo Plum Blossom :: fragrance ingredients

Plum Blossom as a fragrance note emanates from the delicate flowers of the plum tree, botanically identified as Prunus mume. Revered in East Asian cultures for its early spring blossoms, plum blossom carries a subtle yet distinctly fresh, floral aroma with hints of almond-like sweetness. This note contributes an airy, light floralcy to fragrances, symbolizing the onset of spring and renewal. Historically, plum blossoms have been celebrated in poetry and art, making their olfactory representation in perfumery a bridge between natural beauty and artistic interpretation. The extraction of plum blossom essence, typically through methods like enfleurage or solvent extraction, remains costly and labor-intensive, often leading to the use of synthetic counterparts in commercial perfumery to replicate its ethereal and delicate scent.

Natural or Synthetic?
The extraction of Plum Blossom essence is costly and labor-intensive, making synthetic alternatives more feasible for consistent quality and availability in perfumes.

Fragrance Families Plum Blossom Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Plum Blossom

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain plum blossom