
Photo Poppy :: fragrance ingredients

Poppy, known for its vivid red flowers, is a fascinating ingredient in perfumery. Its use is not widespread, but when included, it imparts a unique character to fragrances. Poppy does not yield an essential oil or absolute in the traditional sense, and its scent in perfumery is often a creative interpretation rather than a direct extraction. Poppy in perfumery is often associated with a floral, slightly sweet, and powdery scent. It is used to convey a sense of delicacy and subtlety in fragrance compositions. The flower's symbolism of sleep and peace also influences its use in creating calm and serene scent profiles. The scent of poppy is generally achieved through synthetic means or by blending other natural floral essences that evoke its character. The complexity of its aroma makes it a less common but intriguing choice for perfumers who wish to add a touch of whimsy and mystery to their creations.

Natural or Synthetic?
It is not feasible to extract oil from poppy in a traditional sense for perfumery use. Therefore, its presence in perfumes is typically a creative interpretation achieved through synthetic means or blending other floral essences.

Fragrance Families Poppy Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Poppy

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain poppy